Frequently asked questions
Q: Why does the display seem not to line up at times, especially viewing pictures and text together?

A: It's possible that you have the text set to another size than normal in your browser.
In Netscape, click on the View pull down at the top, select Text Zoom then select 100%.
In MSIE, click on the View pull down at the top, select Text Size then select Medium.
Q: When I've signed the guestbook and included my site URL, it's not been given a valid link assigned to it. Why is this?

A: Well; this has happened on a couple of occasions! I often view visitors comments, and have noticed that the guestbook website links don't always work. I try to sort out this anomaly as soon as I can. Don't worry - If you've left a link in the guestbook which doesn't work, I'll try to sort it out as soon as possible. The most common cause for links not working here, is a missing hyper-text transfer protocol prefix (http://)

If you're still not satisfied, contact me.
Q: Why do pictures load at full size in Netscape browsers then get smaller when the picture is fully downloaded (viewing at smaller screen sizes)?

A: Because, by default, some later versions of the Netscape browser try to show you the whole picture, the image is resized. This can however make it look compressed and a bit "pixelated". If you simply click the left mouse button while holding the mouse cursor over the picture, you can see it the size it was intended.

The same thing happens using Microsoft Internet Explorer, but the picture doesn't get shown at the intended size first.

You can alter the default in MSIE, by selecting Tools, select Internet Options, click on the Advanced tab. Scroll down to Multimedia, then make sure the Enable Automatic Image Resizing checkbox is not ticked.