This gallery contains photos taken around the Newport and Debden area of Essex, UK. Some of the shots are somewhat unusual for this area, as it's quite hilly here. Not the norm for Essex, which tends to be pretty flat on the whole!
Newport station. Apart from the overhead lines, bridge and lights, this must be pretty much as is was 50 or so years ago!
A short way out of Newport, looking back to it.
Rhubarb Cottage in Debden. You may like its colour scheme, but I think if you did, you'd be in the minority!
Debden Church (old and new.) The architect got it almost right apart from the material selection, and arguably the windows!
The village Stores at Debden, as though you couldn't tell! The taste in decor is marginally better than the above picture?
A desperate attempt to make this place look hilly! Well, I think this one works?
The splendid Church at Newport. How many places in the UK share this name?
Heading towards Debden Park, just to the west of Debden.